Pottery Studio Drop-in Sessions - Purchase in Office
Please see Community Pottery Studio page for hours and other information.
The following information will be required for pottery drop-ins:
- A pottery drop-in access card is required to access the studio.
- All participants must be a SAS member. (Link to become a SAS Member)
- Participants are required to have pottery experience prior to applying. Experience can be through SAS classes or alternative means. Please state your pottery experience in your application.
- All participants are required to read and sign our Community Pottery Studio Policy and Liability Waiver. The waiver must be signed in-person when the card is picked up. (Link to Community Pottery Studio Policy/ Waiver)
- Sign up to receive our Pottery Newsletter. (Link to sign up to receive our Pottery Newsletter)
- This application form must be fully completed. (Link to the application form)
Once you fill out the form, one of our Pottery Technicians will let you know the result of your application via email. If you are approved, a technician will fill out your access card and waiver at the SAS office for you to pick up.
* Access to pottery drop-in will not be available until these safety conditions are met.
* Drop-in approvals will be given to applicants at the discretion of the Pottery Technicians and SAS Staff.
Additionally, pottery drop-ins are supported by a pottery instructor with advanced skill level. The drop-in fee will be $30 per session, and $15 for participants currently in a class at SAS.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding to these changes, please contact the executive director, Laurel (executivedirector@semiahmooarts.com).
Registered Pottery Drop-In for Semiahmoo Arts Pottery Studio.
Pursue your own pottery projects in our pottery studio. These drop-in sessions are non-instructional. Dates are not transferable. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Director at executivedirector@semiahmooarts.com.
Please bring proof of purchase for your drop-in ticket. Clay must be purchased from Semiahmoo Arts. Please bring your own tools, and supplies and take them home at the end of your session; there is no onsite storage (don't forget sponges for cleaning, plastic for covering unfinished work, paint brushes etc.) Do not share tools.
Clean and sanitize all equipment with the supplied multi-surface cleaner after use and touch only your own pottery.